When is the best time to cut a wildflower meadow?
For a spring flowering meadow you should mow from late June to October and for a summer flowering meadow, cut between late July and March.
If your meadow is large enough, we would advise that you try cutting different sections at different times of the year from early July through to early September. This will give the greatest diversity in sward and structure. If you continuously cut early then the plants may never set seed, but if you always cut late then the meadow will become ranker and lose diversity.
Each time you mow, aim to keep sward height low (approximately 5 cm).
You must ensure that you always remove the cuttings
Each season try to leave an area at the edge of your meadow uncut where invertebrates and other animals can spend the winter. In this area, you could rotate the uncut area on a 2 or 3-year cycle to prevent domination by vigorous grasses.