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Chalk & Limestone 80/20 Meadow Mix
£19.50 – £2,146.80 inc VAT
Our chalk and limestone mix can be used to create a wildflower and grass meadow on chalky and calcareous soils. Typically, chalk and limestone offer low fertility, so these soils can support many distinctive wildflowers. Our carefully selected mix comprises 28 British native wildflower species and 9 grass species to create a diverse and beautiful habitat for wildlife. Flowering from early spring to October, the mix contains mainly annuals but also the biennial Goat’s Beard and annual Black Medick.
Mix: 80% Grasses to 20% Wildflowers by weight
Sowing Rate: 5g per square metre
Agrimony, Common, (Agrimonia eupatoria), Alsike Clover, (Trifolium hybridum), Bedstraw, Hedge, (Galium mollugo), Bedstraw, Lady’s, (Galium verum), Birdsfoot Trefoil, (Lotus corniculatus), Black Medick, (Medicago lupulina), Burnet, Salad, (Sanguisorba minor), Carrot, Wild, (Daucus carota), Cowslip, (Primula veris), Daisy, Ox-eye, (Leucanthemum vulgare), Dropwort, (Filipendula vulgaris), Goat’s-beard, (Tragopogon pratensis), Knapweed, Common, (Centaurea nigra), Knapweed, Greater, (Centaurea scabiosa), Marjoram, Wild, (Origanum vulgare), Meadowsweet, (Filipendula ulmaria), Plantain, Hoary, (Plantago media), Red Clover, (Trifolium pratense), Ribwort Plantain, (Plantago lanceolata), Sainfoin, (Onobrychis viciifolia), Scabious, Field, (Knautia arvensis), Scabious, Small, (Scabiosa columbaria), Self-heal, (Prunella vulgaris), Toadflax, Common, (Linaria vulgaris), Trefoil, Bird’s-foot, (Lotus corniculatus), Vetch, Kidney, (Anthyllis vulneraria), Wild Carrot, (Daucus carota), Yarrow, (Achillea millefolium), Hard fescue, Slender Creeping red fescue, Timothy, Chewing’s fescue, Strong Creeping red fescue, Smooth-stalked meadow, Sheeps fescue, Tall oat, Meadow foxtail
Ground Preparation
Aftercare: Year 1 & Once Established
Flower Colours: Varied
Plant Height: up to 2 metres
Flowering Season: April to October
Setting: Chalk and Limestone
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