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Coastal Wildflower Meadow Mix
£34.80 – £6,960.00 inc VAT
Our coastal wildflower seed mix offers perennials, annuals and biennials carefully selected to flourish in coastal areas which contain sandy or calcareous soils. Comprising of 19 native wildflower species, this seed mix will flower between May and October, providing plant heights of between 10cm and 100cm.
Mix: 100% Wildflowers
Sowing Rate: 3g per square metre
Bedstraw, Lady’s, (Galium verum), Campion, Bladder, (Silene vulgaris), Carrot, Wild, (Daucus carota), Cat’s-ear, Common, (Hypochaeris radicata), Clover, Haresfoot, (Trifolium arvense), Daisy, Ox-eye, (Leucanthemum vulgare), Evening-primrose, (Oenothera biennis), Goat’s-beard, (Tragopogon pratensis), Knapweed, Common, (Centaurea nigra), Knapweed, Greater, (Centaurea scabiosa), Marigold, Corn, (Chrysanthemum segetum), Poppy, Common, (Papaver rhoeas), St John’s-wort, Common, (Hypericum perforatum), Toadflax, Common, (Linaria vulgaris), Trefoil, Bird’s-foot, (Lotus corniculatus), Vetch, Kidney, (Anthyllis vulneraria), Viper’s Bugloss, (Echium vulgare), Yarrow, (Achillea millefolium), Yellow-rattle, (Rhinanthus minor)
Ground Preparation
Aftercare: Year 1 & Once Established
Flower Colours: Varied
Plant Height: up to 1 metre
Flowering Season: May to October
Setting: Coastal sites containing sandy, stony or calcareous loams
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